Saying goodbye to 2015
We’ve been saying HELLO2015 all year, it’s time to say goodbye. Use the coupon code BYE2015 for a 15% discount off your entire cart and free domestic shipping! This coupon will be good through the rest of 2015. From all of us at Protovapor, thanks for your support over the years and we hope your 2016 is even better!
DNA200 boards fully restocked
We are fully restocked on DNA200 boards and are shipping immediately! Stock quantities have been updated. In conjunction with the BYE2015 coupon, these are the lowest prices around!
New products
Several new products have been added to inventory:
gClapton OVC Temperature Control Coil Heads – Drop-in clapton coils for Subtank and Aspire/Herakles
USB Multimeter – Must-have tool for anyone that builds or uses USB charged mods
Through-hole mounting hardware for Evolv 510 (Economy) – Lower cost alternative
Smoktech TFV4 coil heads – Kanthal and Ni200 types available
Smoktech TFV4 RBA heads– Single and dual coil available
Smoktech replacement glass tubes – TCT and TFV4 tubes available