Current XPV lead time
Estimated lead time for XPV orders 5-7 business days from payment.
April Sale
Let’s kick off Q2 with a sale! The following products are discounted (or even further discounted if they were already on sale):
Evolv DNA 40D (retail box) DNA40D.COM
Aspire Nautilus/Nautilus Mini Tank Clearomizer Kits
Kangertech Subtank Mini/Nano Clearomizer Kits
KangerTech Temperature Sensing Coils (5-pack)
The HELLO2015 code for Free Domestic Shipping still applies to nickel/temperature control related products, and any items ordered along with them are also included.
Large screen DNA40 boards back in!
These have the latest firmware from Evolv that has the following changes:
- Addition of “atty lock” feature that disables refinement/automatic temperature calibration
- Addition of screen-clearing programming that minimizes screen glitching (we still test all boards for screen glitches)
- Recalibration of the battery meter to show a more gradual decline
- Fixing of the “TP-off in Celsius mode” bug
Order here: Evolv DNA 40D large screen (retail box) DNA40D.COM
New product(s)!
We have a new charger board in stock, the 1A MMT micro USB charger board. This board operates similarly to other charging boards including the Evolv charge board, with a 1 amp output maximum. We recommend using with a 1A or higher USB port/wall charger. These boards are smaller than the Evolv board.
We have Smoktech GCT tanks and Ni200 coils incoming, we will announce when those arrive. We may have another product or two coming, maybe even original products …
Blemish case options for XPV
We have added the option to select slight-blemish XPV cases in many colors which we may not have available in unblemished cases. Purchasing these cases gives a significant discount while giving full functionality. Blemishes are relatively minor dings under or discolorations in the anodization. Over the production run we have accumulated many cases that did not pass our stringent QC, but they are perfectly functional and really look just fine.
DNA25 for XPV Mini
We will be building XPV Minis in the future with the DNA25 temperature control board. It works quite well in the form factor. This has allowed a price reduction as well.